Sunday 20th July - Thursday 24th July 2025



The Refuel festival was born in 2017 and responded to a prayerful calling to gather Christians together in one place and to demonstrate the unity prayed for by Jesus in John 17:23. “That they may demonstrate such perfect unity that the world will know that Jesus was sent by God”

Since then, Christians from all over the UK and abroad have come together to enjoy an all age family festival upon the stunning grounds of Gordon Castle Estate, on the banks of the River Spey, in the Scottish Highlands.

With worship leaders and guest speakers coming from all over the world, Refuel is ready to welcome families, churches, youth groups, home groups, campers, glampers, motorhomes, caravaners for a week long holiday, fun, inspiration and ENCOUNTER with Jesus and His people.




The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel Summer Festival2 days ago
Something for your Drivetime this morning. Such wonderful memories of our adventure around Scotland - where do we go next?
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel Summer Festival3 days ago
Heres Izzie Davies...she knows stuff #young #adultsholiday at The Refuel Summer festival 2025
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel Summer Festival5 days ago
“The Scottish Watchman” painted by your guest speaker this year @yinka Oyekan. This was inspired at the first Pray for Scotland gathering of Scottish pastors and leaders.
We love the inference of being normative and supernatural - naturally supernatural.
The theology of the “allocation” or ”appointment” of the Angelic is a fascinating one!
What does this pic say to you this morning?
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel Summer Festival5 days ago
MARKET PLACE IS FULL UP! - subject to a few ministries that have yet to confirm there tent space at Refuel 25, we are at capacity! These wonderful ministries are looking forward to serving you, leaning in with you, stretching with you and celebrating Jesus with you this summer!
Just a couple more to come and then we are FULL UP!
a waiting list is available just in case spaces become available
Get in touch with for more info.
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel Summer Festival5 days ago
NEW REFUEL ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE! - Our friends at Ellel Ministries UK are offering up the amazing house at Blairmore (only 20mins drive) to Festival goers!
This place is amazing! with stunning grounds, walks, snooker room and deeply soaked in His presence as a Kingdom centre - check out the link below!

Prices are per person for the week - breakfast included
£335 – single B&B for 5 nights
£225ppp – Standard room
£305ppp – Premier rooms
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel Summer Festival6 days ago
This is NEW for 2025 and we need your help to reach faith-filled 17 to 25's of the nation! If you know any students or young adults that are embarking on working life and could do with a FREE holiday this summer with like minded others - then please tag them or give this a share!
The insta page is now live too!



Refuel Youth

(coming Soon)