Invest in the Kingdom "it's a better investment than bitcoin!"
Sunday 20th July - Thursday 24th July 2025
The Refuel festival was born in 2017 and responded to a prayerful calling to gather Christians together in one place and to demonstrate the unity prayed for by Jesus in John 17:23. “That they may demonstrate such perfect unity that the world will know that Jesus was sent by God”
Since then, Christians from all over the UK and abroad have come together to enjoy an all age family festival upon the stunning grounds of Gordon Castle Estate, on the banks of the River Spey, in the Scottish Highlands.
With worship leaders and guest speakers coming from all over the world, Refuel is ready to welcome families, churches, youth groups, home groups, campers, glampers, motorhomes, caravaners for a week long holiday, fun, inspiration and ENCOUNTER with Jesus and His people.
Event Info
Venue Information
Venue Information
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Ministry Partners
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The diversity, quality, anointing and sacrifice of each and every one of these amazing friends is something that we will never take for granted.
If you were blessed in any of their sessions, give them a shout out here on this post!
Fred Drummond - Evangelical Alliance Scotland
Alan McWilliam - Cairn Movement
Sam Robertson - Global Prophetic Alliance
@Jan Ransom - Flame International
Andy Hall - Lions Roar For Scotland
Charity Bowman Webb - Streams Creative House
Mark Cameron - International Justice Mission
@Gareth Gilmore - Go Israel
Hellie Glynn - The Filling Station
Richard Fothergill - The Filling Station
Simon Baddeley - The Filling Station
@James Nickols - The Filling Station
@Nigel Watts - Precept UK
@Andrea Mill - @Scottish Baptists Lay Preachers Association
Iain Sutherland - Local Houses of Prayer - Scotland
@Peter Robertson - Christian Fellowship of Healing - Highland
@Niel Deepnarain - Christian Concern
Heather Sutherland - Dream house
David & Julia Soakell - Christian Friends of Israel UK
@Bob Akers - @Breaking the power of Secularism
Richard Oppong-Boateng @Barnabas Aid
Hassan John - Barnabas Aid
Jeff Oakes - River Church
Andy Hall - Lions Roar for Scotland
Refuel 2025
Sunday night 20th July - Thursday night 24th July
Click on their page for more info.
Kevin and Heather have blessed the festival since the get go and in so many ways not at least keeping us stocked up with amazing Coffee!
Coffee Barron and team - we love you!
- Worship Venue
- Young Adults Venue
- Ministry Partners
- Campsite
- Cafe
- Onsite Catering