Sunday 20th July - Thursday 24th July 2025



The Refuel festival was born in 2017 and responded to a prayerful calling to gather Christians together in one place and to demonstrate the unity prayed for by Jesus in John 17:23. “That they may demonstrate such perfect unity that the world will know that Jesus was sent by God”

Since then, Christians from all over the UK and abroad have come together to enjoy an all age family festival upon the stunning grounds of Gordon Castle Estate, on the banks of the River Spey, in the Scottish Highlands.

With worship leaders and guest speakers coming from all over the world, Refuel is ready to welcome families, churches, youth groups, home groups, campers, glampers, motorhomes, caravaners for a week long holiday, fun, inspiration and ENCOUNTER with Jesus and His people.




The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel Summer Festival1 Day ago
***Sat 19th April!****- A great day out for fathers and sons, grandads, uncles, nephews - all skill levels welcome and we have great coaches and all equipment coming from The River Spey Anglers Association.
There is accommodation on site for anyone travelling from afar - and we might be allowed to camp! - get in touch for more details
This was an awesome day when we last gathered like this and places available on a first come first served basis!
Call or DM Craig Mackay Tfs to secure your place!
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel Summer Festival2 days ago
It is with shock and great sadness that we share of the passing of our friend and Refuel Youth Champion Jamie Pearson earlier this week.

So young and so faithful to Kingdom purposes in Scotland.

Our hearts and prayers are extended to his wife Hayley and his family.

Haley posted this information earlier today -

“As many of you may already know my wonderful husband, Jamie sadly passed away on Tuesday. A lot of people have asked about his funeral so I wanted to share all the details here for those who wish to attend.

If you would like to join us and pay your respects, remember Jamie and share memories as we pay tribute to his life, then I would be honoured to invite you to his committal and memorial service. Everyone is welcome to attend both.

It will take place on Friday 4th April and begin at Stirlingshire Crematorium (Falkirk Road, Bannockburn, FK7 8AJ) for his committal at 10am.

Following this, we will make our way to Freedom City Church (6 St Mungo’s Road, Cumbernauld, G67 1QR) for a memorial service and some light refreshments afterwards.

If you knew Jamie, whether recently or in the past and he held a special place in your heart, please know that you are welcome to join us as we remember him”

Haley can see any comments of love and condolences on Jamie’s Facebook page if you would like to reach out in the meantime.
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel Summer Festival3 days ago
The YA (young adults) Team are heading to The Send at Braehead, Glasgow next weekend and will have a stand in the exhibition hall to have some fun, give away some goodies and invite 18-25’s to the festival FOR FREE this summer! #festival #summer #young #adults
Please pray that they can serve THE Send vision and also gather young adults into Him this summer at The Refuel Summer festival 2025
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel Summer Festival2 weeks ago
We have felt the gentle tug of God to go “back on the road” again!

This time a 2 week tour of Moray only - a different venue each night - towns to be announced shortly

This is not a “PR thing”

This is a response to the rising up of the counterfeit spirit in Moray (perhaps it’s happening I your area too)
We seek to cancel and counter the work of the mediums, tarot readers, witches and peddlers of false hope that are filling our town halls and communuty spaces at the moment.

We will do this with our voices, scripture declared, worship poured out and the signs, wonders and miracles that follow His Word

Stand by for info!
The Refuel  Summer Festival
The Refuel  Summer Festival



Refuel Youth

(coming Soon)