Refuel - Team members

Please read these pages and click the link at the bottom to proceed.


Welcome to the Team sign-up page where you can volunteer to be part of the Refuel Team. It takes an army of willing volunteers giving their gifts and skills to make the event happen. Thank you for considering volunteering in either a full-time or part-time capacity.  We give a big warm welcome to those team members who have served before and a big warm welcome if you are new to the Refuel team.

We have an amazing range of teams where you can get equipped, learn new skills, serve others and discover the blessing of serving others. You can choose which team you would like to join.

There are a few things that you need to know about how the various teams operate. Each team has a leader who organises the work to be done and schedules a rota for their team.  The teams are dynamic, there are lots of regular jobs to be done each day but there are times when the team reacts to events that occur elsewhere. It is important that our team can react positively and can handle changes as they happen. Our priority is for everyone to be safe and have a good time and it is the "cando" attitude and ability of our teams that make this happen.

Whilst serving on team can take a lot of your time, you are free to attend any of the seminars, celebrations and evening entertainment on offer, when not "on duty".

There are daily briefings for team members and your team leader will let you know when you need to attend.


The Festival doors open on Sunday 20th July 2025 at 5pm with the first session starting at 6.30pm (worship & teaching). The festival ends at 10 pm on Thursday 24th July 2025.

TEAM BRIEFING - All team members are asked to attend a Team Briefing at 10.00am on Sunday 20th in the Tower Hall. If you are unable to make this please let us know by emailing

This is a welcome meeting where you will meet your team leader, and at which instructions and guidance are given. You will get an opportunity to meet Lorna Heath who oversees the volunteer team during Refuel. 

FREE CAMPING - We are delighted to offer free camping at the event, and you can use the discount code when your application has been approved. It's important to book your camping spot as soon as you have been notified that you are on the team. 

The discount codes will be VCAMP100 (Full time volunteer) VCAMP50 (Part time volunteer). This will reduce your cost by 100% and 50% respectively.

Free Tea & Coffee - This will be available from the Refuel Team Cafe located in the Tower Hall. You will be able to purchase food from the various catering opportunities onsite.

ADDITIONAL information 

Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVGS) - As part of the online form, you will read our PVG Policy, which is about safeguarding the welfare of the vulnerable at the REFUEL events. You will be asked to indicate that you've read, understood, and will adhere to the terms of this policy.

References - You will be asked to supply the name of a referee from one of the following - a senior church leader/minister/pastor, a senior home church leader/pastor, or a senior leader in a ministry organisation in which you are a part of. We will email them directly and ask them general questions regarding your suitability to perform the role applied for.

We do this via a quick online form or we can contact them by telephone. Please note that a parent or relative cannot act as a referee. We may accept other references in certain circumstances so please contact us if you need further information.

PVG Checks - All team members who apply for a role that involves regulated activity with persons under 18 years or vulnerable adults are required to have a REFUEL specific PVG check. We will help you to obtain a PVG check. When completing your application form to be on the team, if you are already a member of the PVG Scheme please supply your membership number so we can undertake our own checks. If you'd like more information about the PVG system, please visit

Who can sign up? Applicants must be 16 years or over. Young team, are aged from 16 to 17 years old, and adult team are aged 18 years and over. All under 18s must have a parent/guardian or nominated carer (aged 21 years or over) who will be responsible for them. Parents/guardians must complete the 'young team' section of the application form. On-site carers must be nominated by the parent/guardian. REFUEL cannot process applications from young people without parental consent. Please ensure that your parent/guardian and/or nominated carer have read the responsibilities fully and know and accept what they are signing up to. Young team will require a PVG if in a relevant team. 

Parental Responsibility If you have parental/guardian responsibilities on-site for a child, you may need to arrange for someone to help you collect or drop them off to or from their groups. If this applies to you, please ensure you complete the relevant section on your application form.

If you have any further questions, then please do not hesitate to contact the refuel office on 01343 610230 or email us at


Refuel team





Please indicate your team preference by selecting one of the buttons below:*required

Each application will be assessed by the administration team. It is important that we have a balance of skilled personal in each of the areas but there will be space made for those willing to learn.

Kids work 5-11 years
Ticket & information
Camping host
Site set up
Site pack down

If you cannot help for the whole event, please select the days that you will be available.

Saturday Set up  Sunday  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday Pack Down  


Please tell us of any skills and experience you have for working on your selected team.



Your reference should be either a senior church leader/minister/pastor
or senior home church leader/pastor
or senior leader of a ministry organisation you are part of.
Referees must be over 18 and should not be a relative.



Please explain briefly when and how you became a Christian:


In which areas of your church or ministry organisation do you serve?



Please note this will not necessarily affect your acceptance onto a team

If you answer yes to any of the questions, please give details belowYESNO
Do you have a medical condition that your team leader should know about?*required
Do you have a physical disability or weakness, which may affect your ability to fulfill any duties such as lifting or carrying?*required
Do you suffer or have you suffered from any mental or emotional health problems?*required

Details (255 character limit)  *required

Do you have any additional support needs?          If yes, please give details.*required

Details (255 character limit)  *required


For Refuel25 we are producing a unique T-shirt for those of you who are serving on Team...and are delighted to offer them to you at cost price. You can collect your t-shirt from the Ticket and Information tent when you arrive at Refuel25. You will get the opportunity to pay for the T-shirts after submitting your application.

Number of t-shirts    Price £15.00 each

Please select your size from the drop down menu below:  *required

*Ladies Fit t-shirts are slim fit with shaped seams and shorter body length.


 I would like a free camping pitch at the Refuel campsite
 I will arrange my own accommodation


To be completed by all workers who are parents and/or group leaders (required under terms of service)

Please give the names and ages of any children (under 18 years) for whom you will be responsible onsite at Refuel 2025.

Who will care for these children whilst you are working on team? *required

I would like to book my children into Kids Ministry:

What is their booking number (if available)?



Do you already have a PVG?  *required
If yes, please supply your PVG Scheme Membership number*required


Please include any extra information relevant to the previous sections.


Refuel Scotland aims to ensure that all children / protected adults are kept safe from harm while they are with staff or volunteers in this organisation. In order to achieve this we will ensure our staff and volunteers are carefully selected, screened, trained and supervised.

The nature of the work you are applying for means that you must tell us about convictions (pending, spent or unspent). For motoring offences please only answer ‘YES’ if it resulted in disqualification. Having a criminal record will not necessarily stop you from being on team. This will depend on the nature of the position and the circumstances and background of your offences.

Have you ever been convicted of an offence in any criminal or civil proceedings in any court in any country?

        If yes, please complete the self declaration form and return to the Refuel Office, for the attention of Craig Mackay - Event Organiser. If you require assistance or have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Refuel Office on 01343 610230.*required   *required

Are you currently the subject of a police enquiry or do you have any court cases pending against you?

        If yes, please give details (255 character limit).*required   *required

Was any conviction or caution related to the mental/physical harm to a child or young person?

        If yes, please give details (255 character limit).*required   *required


  • I declare that the information contained is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
  • I consent to references and further checks being made with the relevant authorities if necessary.
  • I declare that I have read and understood the job description for the team and role I have applied for, and I agree to abide by the procedures laid down by the leadership team.
  • I agree that my primary commitment during the week is to my team.
  • I declare that I have read and understood the child protection policy and I agree to abide by the procedure laid down by Refuel.

Please check to confirm that you agree to the terms and conditions for team participation.    *required

Data Protection Act. Your name & contact details will be held and used to keep you in touch with Refuel activities.
If you do not wish this to happen please tick this box


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